Wednesday 23 January 2013

Is It Nap Time Yet?

I hate that feeling of looking around my house and knowing so much needs to be done.  We live in our house.  Toys get strewn about. Laundry gets washed, dried and folded but never seems to be put away.    My toilet get scrubbed when I have advance notice of guests arriving, but seldom otherwise.  Don't even get me started on the dishes!

Nap time is that magical moment when the baby finally lays down his sweet head and there is finally silence in the house...well, aside from the dog tap-dancing her way across the living room floor (that constant reminder that she needs to be clipped) and a cat gakking in a not-too-distant room.  But I digress.  Nap time lets me catch up on some neglected chores.  Or at least in theory it does.  Usually the first thing I do when I get Riarson to sleep in his crib is eat.  Finding time for myself to eat at regular times with a little one attached to my hip is problematic most days.  Did I mention I am diabetic?  More on that later.  Anyway, so I eat.  While I eat I will watch a tv program.  That takes an hour.  Then I will start whatever chore needs doing and the phone will ring or there will be a knock at the door.  There goes another 20 mins.  Continue the chore, but now the baby is a ticking time bomb so I get scared to make noise so the chore gets done slower than usual.  I can usually get one chore done with an audible sigh of relief which stirs the dog from her resting place to twinkle-toes her way to the door to be let out, at which point the sound of a crying baby starts.  Thanks dog.

I am by no means a clean-freak, but gee whiz, it would be nice if my house sparkled top to bottom just for one day.

Riarson just fell asleep so I am going to put him down for a nap...wish me luck!

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