Thursday 31 January 2013


Since when did 10 years old girls think they are the centre of the universe?!  I am learning very quickly how to navigate my little girl's mood swings with a heavy heart.  Gone are the days of her obeying without question.  She is normally such a good kid that when she pulls a public meltdown, I am sometimes unprepared.  I had to walk out of a shoe store yesterday because she wouldn't take of her large soccer socks to get her feet measured properly.  I've never had to do that before.  I gave her three chances and then out the door we went.  The poor kid needs a pair of shoes, I guess we will try it again in a few days and see what kind of results we get.  On the plus side, her punishment includes helping me unload/load the dishwasher which helps me immensely.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, welcome to puberty! When your beautiful darling girl seems to be sharing body space with a demon being from another dimension.

    She'll swing back and apologize soon enough. However you can't completely disregard what she does/says because you can't allow her to be disrespectful...that would be a slippery slope for the future!

    For what it's worth, I think what you did was absolutely perfect. Hang in there...only ten years or so of this to go. It's mostly during the chemical soup phase and they usually start to come out of it around 16-18 or so. Sarah was tough from about 9yrs through 15yrs then it evened out and she morphed from my darling baby girl to my beautiful mostly adult daughter.
