Monday 25 March 2013

And Baby Makes 5

We have the wonderful news that we are expecting another baby in September.  My 2 youngest will then be 19 months apart with our oldest child at 10 years old.  Apparently having 2 children under 2 years of age is termed "baby bunching".  Sounds fun, right?  I sure hope so!  Thankfully my daughter just recently passed her Red Cross Babysitter Course so she will be well prepared for the chaos that is going to envelope our house soon.  I haven't decided yet whether to find out the gender of the new baby or to be surprised.  My first ultrasound will be on April 3rd and I am really excited to see our newest family member.  This will be the last time we do this so I am trying to enjoy every moment, from doctor appointments to pants fitting snugly to hearing the heartbeat for the first time.  I do find it difficult to "be in the moment" sometimes while I tend to my 1 year old and answer math homework questions from the big kid all while juggling 10 000 appointments and diabetes, but I am doing my best.  The one thing I have always been good at is writing in their baby books.  It was the first thing I bought for each of my children.  I like to write little notes in them and chronicle their special (and sometimes only special to me) moments.  Poor Rinoa's pages are falling out but it is stuffed full of our memories that she will be able to cherish when she's older and wondering what she did in her childhood.  Riarson's pages are quickly filling up with his "firsts", like saying "bapple" tonight for "apple".  Cute, right?!  The new baby has the smallest book, but already I have written little thoughts about how I feel about meeting him or her.  I know this pregnancy is going to fly by since I am already in my 2nd trimester now.  Being a Mom makes me so happy and fulfilled, I look forward to continuing this adventure.

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