Friday 8 February 2013

On The Run

Today has been filled with appointments and disappointments.  The weather didn't help either.  I have found it is not fun to carry a purse on one arm that is laden with diapers/wipes/snacks/wallet and whatever else ends up in there, and a baby in a car seat which tends to dump out teddy bears and blankets with the help of the occupant. I started an exercise program today and am way jigglier than I previously was.  Yes, part of that was due to previous pregnancy, but I also have not eaten healthy all the time.  Well that is about to change.  After today's workout though, I am absolutely wiped out.  I wish I could have a nap but my little guy is a busy bee keeping me on my toes.  His new favourite hangout is by the dog food dish.  Our dog Bella tends to have food aggression, so not the best place for him to be so I am constantly chasing the boy much to his delight.  I am happy the weekend is about to arrive.  The enlistment list for chores will be going up shortly.  I just can't keep this house straight on my own right now.  I NEED HELP!  I am not ashamed to admit it.  Housework is not my favourite thing and after the busy week I have had it suffered greatly.  This weekend needs to get our house back in order.

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