Saturday 9 February 2013

Golden Silence

The sun is shining brightly on the snow-covered lawn out my front window.  The large branch that fell in the wind storm a week back is still in its place.  Everyone is out of the house except for me and the babe, and he's sleeping!  The silence is almost deafening.  I've already gotten my workout done.  The laundry begs to be done as it lays limply on my basement floor, so close to the laundry room but not quite there.  Dishes need to be done as well, but I can quickly pile those into the dishwasher least that's what I tell myself during the week and they still don't get done!  I think I might nap on the couch.

Friday 8 February 2013

On The Run

Today has been filled with appointments and disappointments.  The weather didn't help either.  I have found it is not fun to carry a purse on one arm that is laden with diapers/wipes/snacks/wallet and whatever else ends up in there, and a baby in a car seat which tends to dump out teddy bears and blankets with the help of the occupant. I started an exercise program today and am way jigglier than I previously was.  Yes, part of that was due to previous pregnancy, but I also have not eaten healthy all the time.  Well that is about to change.  After today's workout though, I am absolutely wiped out.  I wish I could have a nap but my little guy is a busy bee keeping me on my toes.  His new favourite hangout is by the dog food dish.  Our dog Bella tends to have food aggression, so not the best place for him to be so I am constantly chasing the boy much to his delight.  I am happy the weekend is about to arrive.  The enlistment list for chores will be going up shortly.  I just can't keep this house straight on my own right now.  I NEED HELP!  I am not ashamed to admit it.  Housework is not my favourite thing and after the busy week I have had it suffered greatly.  This weekend needs to get our house back in order.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Big Baby

My poor wee laddie has his first cold.  Although he is 11 1/2 months old he seems to have skated by without so much as a sniffle let alone projectile vomiting.  But now that his first cold has surfaced he has the saddest faces.  Giant green booger bubbles expand out of his nostrils with no warning and I've been forced to used my sleeve once when I forgot to put tissues in the baby bag.  YUCK!  I forgot how disgusting babies can be, lol!  Riarson's sleep has been all out of whack as well and my moods have suffered greatly.  Grumpy Mommy is not a good thing.  I managed to grab a shower during his nap this afternoon to regain my composure and be reasonable.

Rinoa has been quite the handful lately.  I think it is due to the fact we have a Korean student staying with us.  I think the attention level just isn't where it needs to be and she is acting out.  Some days she can be so whiny when she comes back to school that I want to ship her right back out the door.  Other days she is very helpful and full of energy and beams sunshine and rainbows.  I can't keep up!  Once Carry leaves at the end of February I am hoping she returns to her normal self.

I can't turn my brain off lately...things just keep going around and around in there.  Maybe it is due to the lack of sleep I've been getting these last few days?  Doesn't help that I have been nauseous at night as well.  John's snoring almost caused me to ask for a divorce last night!  My mind was focusing on the most inane things...John's snoring (all 1 1/2 hrs of it), the sound of the fan (to drown out the snores), Riarson's movements (he kept kicking me), the fact I never get to keep blankets on during the night (the baby kicks them off), and the list goes on.  Hopefully I can get some better rest tonight.

Lots of doctor appointments coming up.  We are seeing the specialist for Riarson since he is near the 2% mark for height and weight for his age.  Rinoa has a dentist appointment coming up that she is not looking forward to.  She has a wiggly tooth that just won't let go so we are going to get it pulled.  Her adult tooth has already arrived underneath the baby one so we need to get that taken care of.  Rinoa is working hard trying to get that tooth to come out on its own so it won't need to get pulled.  I get to see the doctor as well and John should be heading into the dentist in a few months for some work done.

Time to start thinking about what to make for dinner.  Have a great day everyone!